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Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Headaches and brain pains

Apparently headaches are not associated with MS. Apparently the pig is the pinnacle of aerodynamics, and hence it does not require the use of wings in order to perform amazing feats of aerobatics.

I have had some of my most debilitating headaches during the last 4 years, and strangely enough these headaches are hardly worth mentioning when compared to my "brain pains". There is a marked difference between the two. Headaches are a dull pain by comparison. A headache, usually, is located either behind the eyes, one the frontal lobe, centrally in the head, along the temples or down the back of your head towards your spine. A headache is either continuous or throbbing, but persistent and usually lasts for a few hours. Headaches can make you feel tired, queasy, stiff, and so on. Everyone has experienced a headache in some form.

The "brain pain" is a different beast entirely, and no ... it is not a migraine. In terms of sheer pain value, it is more painful than a regular headache by a factor of at least 10. It arrives suddenly, without the subtle warning normally associated with regular headaches. My "brain pains" have become more regular and more aggressive. The word "stroke" is quite possibly popping in and out of your head at this moment, and I thought so too at first, however, my GP and specialists are now convinced that this is not an option.

The "brain pain" feels like an extremely hot poker inserted into the spine and then rapidly hammered upwards until the tip erupts out the top of your head. Unfortunately,this is not the end. During the onset of some of these, I have lost either balance or strength out remain standing. These effects do not last long, usually about 10-15 seconds, but the pain persists - occasionally for a few days - and gradually disappears. Headaches can be treated with pills and these are generally effective, however, nothing seems to work with the "brain pains". During a particular desperate episode, I consumed enough Nurofen tablets floor an elephant (approximately 4 times the maximum dose during a 24 hour period). I have tried other tablets - which I am convinced were designed to be inserted rectally into a rhinoceros using a high powered and large caliber rifle - issued by the specialists and still had no relief.

I am convinced that these "brain pains" are responsible for the areas of scarring detected on the MRI scans of my head. Altruistically, I hope one else is being subjected to "brain pains", realistically, I suspect other MS sufferers are experiencing them, and gratefully would I receive confirmation that I am not alone in experiencing these.


  1. I noticed no one had commented on this which astounded me as it sounds similar if not quite the same as pains I've had myself. I would agree totally that this is NOTHING like a headache what so ever. I've had headaches, I've had migraines but a period of time in a black out eye mask in a darkened room and some pain killers usually sorts them out. It has been my experience that NOTHING short of cutting my own head off would stand a chance of making this pain stop until it's good and ready to do so. I describe mine somewhat differently like there's a little man with a big jack hammer trapped in my skull fully intent of escaping. When ever I mention these pains to my neuro I'm told it's nothing to do with the MS but I never experienced it before that massive flare up that got me diagnosed so I disagree with him totally.

    I also feel I wouldn't wish that pain on anyone even my very worst enemy but I do take heart from this blog in knowing that there is at least one other MSer who knows how it feels. I shall inform my neuro of this next time I see him and also tell him thank you for telling me you don't believe it's anything to do with the MS but even if I believed you (which I don't) knowing that doesn't make the pain go away either. :o)

  2. I can't believe there aren't more people who've responded to this.
    I have just made it out of bed after 3 days of utter agony and went on line to see what it could be. I am a doctor and have self diagnosed meningitis, a bleed, a tumour etc. I have had these headaches since my diagnosis 18 months ago - never before - and have recently been utterly disabled to the point of not seeking medical help as it's to much effort. I also seem to intermittenlty get these "viruses" as I label them - total body pain, painful eyes, non stop nausea and weakness which feels like terrible flu without the snot etc. Does anyone else get this?
